Thursday, 14 July 2011


Interview mit Thomas Heldt, der Koordinator meines Freiwilligendienstes in ASF. Hier lächelt er vor seinem Büro-Regal. Foto: Linn Husby
"Ich wünsche mir mehr Soziale Projekte"
Jetzt ist der Sommer in Berlin da, und Freiwillige-Koordinator in ASF Thomas Held muss somit nicht mehr warten. Im kalten Februar hat er mich erzählt von seinem Leben und Arbeit mit Freiwillige, warum er Berlin so schrecklich im Winter findet und auch - ein bisschen von was er sich für den nächsten Frühling wünscht.  

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

ASF beim CSD: "We play across borders… gegen Antisemitismus, Homophobie und Rechtsextremismus"

Mit einer bunten ASF-Gruppe aus aktuellen und ehemaligen Freiwilligen beteiligte wir uns am Christopher Street Day am 25. Juni in Berlin. Das offizielle CSD-Motto „Fairplay für Vielfalt“ erweiterten wir um: „We play across borders… gegen Antisemitismus, Homophobie und Rechtsextremismus“. Wir wollten damit zeigen, dass uns Engagement gegen Homophobie nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch über die Landesgrenzen hinweg wichtig ist. Auch unsere Gruppe war sehr international: Roy kommt aus England, Kirsten aus den Niederlanden, Till und Lena aus Russland, Irina und Maria aus Belarus, ich aus Norwegen und Hans, Felix, Markus, Jette und Katja aus Deutschland, Rom und Dana aus Israel. So repräsentierten wir allein schon mit unseren Nationalitäten die Vielfalt im Leben.

Gut gelaunt zogen wir an diesem sehr schönen Tag mit dem CSD über den Kudamm. 100.000 Menschen waren gekommen, hatten sich verkleidet, feierten und setzten so auch ein politisches Signal. Eingequetscht zwischen den Aktivisten von Amnesty International und der russischen Gruppe „Gay Pride“ warfen wir uns passend zum sportlichen Thema einen Ball zu, der symbolisch bei jedem Wurf eine Landesgrenze überquerte.

Dieser Bericht und weitere Bilder sind auch auf der zu erreichen.
Tekst: Linn Husby, 28.06.2011 

Die Arbeit für Homophile Gerechtigkeit ist nicht nur ein wichtiges Thema für ASF und andere Vereine und NGOs, sondern für viele Leute auch ein persönliches Thema. Deshalb nahmen ich und andere aus der aktuellen Gruppe der internationalen Freiwilligen in Deutschland teil – wir  wollten dem Umzug mit unsere Teilnahme unsere Unterstützung für Gerechtigkeit für Vielfalt zeigen. Das kann man durch Fairplay und Humor machen. Auch.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

TODAYS "Quote of the Day"

"Tell me and I forget. 
Teach me and I remember. 
Involve me and I learn."
Benjamin Franklin (Birth/death: January 17, 1706  – April 17, 1790)

I find this quote very fitting for the work in ASF: We are taught and involved -of the historical-  and in the present Germany.

Saturday, 28 May 2011


Neue ASF-Kollektion: Tücher für Friedensarbeit und T-Shirts für ein Bleiberecht von Roma in Deutschland (auch die Kampagne für die Kirchentage nächste Woche.) Die Tücher sind wirklich echt toll! Die multifunktionelle Wege, die man sie verwenden kann siehst du hier:

Ich soll eine auf jeden Fall benutzen wenn ich Ski fahren in Norwegen gehen sollen! (als Hals-und-Nase Tuch)

Meine Aufgabe? Ich habe (mehrere) Foto-Sessionen mit ASF-Mitarbeitern organisiert, und die Fotos gemacht! Auch Toll!

Sunday, 20 March 2011


Flyer in German

Flyer in English

This week I have made this flyer. I have used this flickr foto (with permission):

When: Tuesday 22nd March
Where: Heinrichplatz, Berlin
What:  A "come-together" for a common purpose 

Information about the event:
ABOLISH discriminatory laws against refugees!
Refugees all over Germany are fighting every day against the institutional racism and isolation which are imposed on them. The campaign “ABOLISH discriminatory laws against refugees!” is part of these ongoing struggles of refugees. Its goal is to fight the racist legislation that brings about policies of isolation, stigmatization and persecution of refugees.
Thus the campaign is fighting discriminatory laws against refugees, like the obligation to live in camps, the compulsory residency (“Residenzpflicht”), working prohibitions, deportations and all forms of institutional racism. Besides that, the abolition of the asylum-seeker benefits law (“Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz”, AsylbLG) is one of the main goals of the campaign.
This law, which was passed in the extremely xenophobic atmosphere of 1993, is the legal basis for the bulk of the discriminatory living conditions against which refugees have been fighting through strikes and protests. In this repressive law, it is stipulated that refugees in Germany must live under inhumane, morbid conditions and are entitled to social benefits below the standard of those for Germans. They are subjected to benefits in-kind from public authorities, do not have sufficient access to health care and have to deal with food packages and voucher or chip card systems.
The dependence of refugees on the mingy social benefits is further cemented through work prohibitions and systematic exclusion from the job market. Furthermore, access to German classes and education in general is intentionally refused.
At the same time, refugees are denied their right of freedom of movement through compulsory residency (“Residenzpflicht”).
All these and other special laws collectively constitute a legal complex of isolation and social exclusion. The goal of this state-enacted oppression is to enable easier deportations of refugees and to discourage people from even coming to Germany. Since we do not want to abandon the discussion on refugees’ living conditions to the established parties and self-proclaimed experts, we will exert grassroots political pressure on those responsible.
For us it is clear:
The asylum-seeker-benefits-law (AsylbLG) and all other racist special laws are not reformable, rather they must be abolished now – human dignity is not negotiable!
Human dignity, human rights and freedom of movement are inherent and indivisible rights!
We demand:
ABOLISH the asylum-seeker benefits law (AsylbLG)!
ABOLISH compulsory residency!
ABOLISH any forms of institutional racism!
ABOLISH all kinds of racist special laws!
ABOLISH forced deportations!
Supporters: Amaro Drom e.V., ASF-Regionalgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg, Kampagne "Alle bleiben", Die Linke Berlin, Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh, Landesverband Berlin KuB, Kontakt und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen e.V., Bündnis gegen Lager, Chipkarten-Ini & Die Piratenpartei Landesverband Berlin
For information in German, press the "read more" button.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

"It´s pretty weird, now I´m in Norway"

A little piece of Norway through the american exchange student Ben and his adventures at the University of Oslo, is presented to you trough this reportage (in english). I really like this reportage. (PS: I used to work for Oslo Student TV -the creators, myself befor I went to Germany) 

This is a little taste of what it’s like to be a part of the Norwegian society -foreign or not. I especially like how Ben brakes down all the stereotypes about Norway/Norwegians, at the same time as I realize that his view made me understand that people have them and that its also hard to explain -as Ben says, why. People tend to just have this unrealistic fairy tale picture about us, the Norwegians, and to be honest, I should not blame them... However, it is good to acknowledge that some has discovered that not all fairy tales represent the whole truth. 

Watch more reportages from Oslo Student TV here:

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Als Assistentin beim ASF-Film „Das ist auch meine Geschichte“ 

ENG: As assistent in the ASF-Film "This is also my history"

Alltagsleben: Picing up the kids

Mein Artikel ist jetzt auf der ASF Webseite zu lesen/ Read my article on the ASF Website now:

Folge diesem Link / Follow this link:
(Vielen dank zu Kilian Raiser und Kirsten Jöhlinger vom ASF Büro für hilfe mit Korrekturen!)  

Monday, 28 February 2011


For the "Jahresempfang" (= the kick-of of the new ASF-year) on 17. of February, I made this flyer about a reading that ASF arranged.

Unfortunately, I was not able to be there on the event date on 25. of February.

Monday, 21 February 2011


Der Sprachlehrer Hans Zerrahn antwortet ein paar Fragen von seiner Schülerin -mich. Ich traf er normalerweise jeden Dienstag und Donnerstag (inzwischen von eine andere Lehrerin), aber jetzt ist das Sprachkurs bald zu Ende... 
"Ich arbeite nur für spaß –nicht für Geld"
Sprachlehrer Hans Zerrahn lächelt vor seiner Schüler. Foto: Linn Husby
Wie geht’s dir dieses Tages?
- Wie es mir... "dieses Tages"...? was machst du mit dem Genitiv hier an dieser Stelle! Das ist... 

Ich: Wie soll es sein denn?
- „Wie geht’s dir Heute?“
Wie geht’s dir Heute?
- Noch gut, warum? 
Ich: Also, gut.
- Ja und ich hoffe es bleibt so. Das ist hoffentlich ein stabiler Zustand. Kann man in meiner alter aber nicht wissen!
Und wie alt bist du denn?
- Wie alt ich bin? Also, letztes Jahr... letztes Jahr habe ich gesagt, dass bei mir das alter und Geburtsjahr identisch sind.
Aha...? Dass alter und Geburtsjahr...
- Letztes Jahr sagte ich, letztes Jahr SAGTE ich,  - Präteritum, schwaches Verb - (aber in norwegisch ist es ein stärkes = å si - sier - sa - har sagt), letztes Jahr sagte ich immer auf dieser Frage: „alter und Geburtsjahr sind identisch“. Ich habe immer gehofft dass es  keine Mathematiker in der Klasse war, und es hat auch Funktioniert. * Lächeln*

Das kann ich nicht verstehen... 
- Doch, doch! Wenn du einmal drüber schlafen, denn... - Hey wer ist das denn! Nah, Haba, willkommen!
Etwas neues?
Gibt es etwas in deiner Beruflichen Situation, die neu ist? Zum Beispiel einige neue trendy Unterrichtsmethoden Heute? 
- Ja neu... in meiner Beruflichen Situation... in meinem alter gibt’s nicht mehr viel neues...  Das alte ist noch nicht zu ende...
Und das Sprache hat sich auch nicht verändert, ja?
- Deutsch hat sich... das deutsche Vermittlung? ...nicht wirklich. Nein. Aber neues in meiner Beruflichen Situation ist immer die neuen Menschen zu erleben, die zum Beispiel kommen. Das ist immer wieder was neues in meiner Beruf.
Ich: Das ist immer wieder was neues, genau.
- Immer wieder was neues, anderes, interessantes, schönes...
Gute Antwort!
- Ich arbeite nur für spaß, nicht für Geld. Ja? :)
Wie ist es dann, ein Deutschlehrer zu sein?
- Sagen wir mal so: Wenn du dir Muhe gibst, nicht einzuschlafen. Dann ist es gut.
Wenn die Teilnehmer oder Teilnehmerinnen seine Hausaufgabe macht? Dann ist es gut, meinst du?
- Das ist nicht das Thema, nein das ist nicht so wichtig. Aber wenn du dir Muhe gibst, nicht deiner Arbeit. Dann ist es gut.  
Meinst du, nicht einzuschlafen...., du?
- Ja.
- Als Deutschlehrer. Dann ist es richtig gut.
- Wenn du immer das gleiche machst, ist es doof. 
Welche Gedanken hast du dann für deinen eigenes Zukunft in dieser Beruf?
- Weiß du wo alt ich bin!?
Nein... *lachen*
- Okey, also erstes Mal.., doch ich bin alt, aber ich habe ein Plan. Ich will arbeiten bis 75 (fünf und siebzig). Ehrlich.  
Ich: Okey
- Und ich möchte nicht in Rente. (*klopfen an den Tisch*).
- Und möglichst, viel mit junge Leuten arbeiten. Auch. (*klopfen an den Tisch*)

(Hans ausbrecht plötzlich):
- Es ist ja echt interessant wie du mit deiner Hand schreibst! (Hans hast gerade entdeckt meine Schreibhand. )
Ich: Ah, okey soo meinst du?
- Es ist gar nicht den Tripoden-griff ja....
Ich: Viele Lehrere hat dass zu mir gesagt „du muss nicht so schreiben“
- Dein tribodos. Ok... (Er nachforschen meiner Hand, und wie ich den Stift halte, mit interesse)
Was machst das mit meiner Hand?
- Quadropodo
Ich: Quadro....
- podo 
Hier haben wir eine längere Gespräch über was das bedeutetest –diese Quadropolo Handschriftsmetode. Es bedeutet, dass ich ein Finger mehr benutzt zum schützen wenn ich schreibe. Aber psychologisch bin er sich nicht so sicher was es bedeutest... Nur kann er sagen dass es kann mit meiner schreckliches Handschrift verbunden sein!
Ich: Aber, danke für ein interessantes Bemerkung.
-Bitte sehr, wir haben auf diese Weiße lustig mindestens zehn Minuten geplappert.
Zum Ende: Was ist besonders bei dir und deiner Unterricht?
- Mit einem Wort ja?
Ich: Einem Wort ja (warum nicht?)
- Unruhe
Ich: Unruhe? *lachen*
- Ja. Oder ich möchte das noch präziser sagen. Für mich ist es wichtig dass die Unterricht Lebendig ist, ja? Und nicht künstlich. Das ist wichtig, darum sage ich lieber was ich denke, obwohl es nicht so gut passt. Darum arbeite ich auch nicht so gerne mit die Bücher – ich höre mehr von Euch was ich hören möchte. Ja, ich möchte nicht hören was ihr da und da in die Bücher liest, sondern wer ihr seid und was ihr erlebt hat. 
Und, machst du etwas anders als Deutschlehrer? ..oder ist das..
- Das ist die Hauptberuf.
Ich: Das ist die Hauptberuf ja.
- Mein absoluter Basis.
Und jetzt waren schon alle da, und das Unterricht könnten anfangen. Herzlichen dank Hans, für das Gespräch, und die schöne Zeit mit dir hier in der Volkshochschule Steglitz-Zehlendorf! 
Ein paar Mals, ab und zu, will ich ein paar von den Leuten, die ich hier in Berlin kennengelernt habe vorstellen. Der erste war also: Sprachlehrer Hans! Nächstes Mal: Meine Freiwilligeskoordinator Thomas Held!


Thursday, 10 February 2011


Things are happening! Angela Merkel was in Israel and talked about ASF´s volunteer service with ASF-Volunteers, at the same time as a new law, referred to as the "Extremismuserklärung" is relased, and we (ASF) are against this. That's why some video-journalists from the German TV channel ZDF came by the office yesterday, and made an interveiw with my boss about her opinion of the "erklärung".

FOTO: Linn Husby
The interview will be on next Thursday!  
Another day at the (hectic) ASF-Office life... :)

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


(Tittle in english: I am now online!) 
Gück Mal hier an der ASF-Webseite: / Take a look at the ASF webpage:

(Lena, Anne, Maria, Jaga, Kirsten, Mansur und Felix ihr seid auch alle dabei!) ;)

Hier was anderes auf Englisch:


Today, instead of working with the website, I was asked to make a flyer. This is what I made:

At the back/ der Rückseite: 

Its really inspiring to be able to use Photoshop now and then in my work!

The flyer is about an event with the "Stadtteilmütter", in which ASF wan the Regine Hildebrandt-price for the project "Stadtteilmütter auf den Spuren der Geschichte" last year. It will be a reading from their newly pulished book with following dissution at the Jüdisches Museum in Berlin, January 25th 2011 (next week). Of course I will be attending then too!

Monday, 17 January 2011

@ WORK: Right now I am working with...

ASF has got a new website! Check it out here:

This is a linkt to what the site used to look like:
Improved or what? I think it looks great now!

But it still needs some improving with uploading form extra material, and this week I will start to work with this for real. I am also doing some english translating work on it that are not jet finished.

In the work we use the CMS-program Typo 3. A good experience!


...and so I am ready to tell you all about the life as a volunteer again.

Lots of things are going to happend this semester, both in ASF and in Berlin, moving towards the spring! :D


4 months and my German are slowly improving. But now I have had a long X-mas hollyday in Norway, and so it almost feels like I am back to scratch... What I find the hardest is alway to find the little words that you use in your everyday conversation.

So thats why I have prepared a little list of some usefull ones here. :

  • auf jeden Fall = i alle fall/anyway, in any case, at least
  • zunächst = først (og fremst)/ first of all, firstly
  • wahnsinnig = innmari/ insane
  • bisher, bis jetzt, noch = ennå/ still
  • bis jetzt, noch, auch = enda/untill now 
  • immer noch = fremdeles (enda)/still 
  • noch einmal = enda en gang
  • obwohl = selv om/even though
  • außerdem = i tillegg 
  • als ob = som om 
  • genauso wie = slik som/ just as..
  • sozusagen = liksom (altså slik)/ so to speak
  • tatsächlich = faktisk/in fact
  • Um - zu = for - å/so as to
 SUBJUNCTIVE/ der KONJUNKTIV: (die Möglichkeitsforme)
  • ob = hvorvidt, om/ if 
  • falls = dersom, hvis, om, såfrem/given, if, in, wether, in case of

Right now I am trying to learn how to speak correctly with subordinate clauses (or "leddsetninger" (NOR), "Nebensätze" (GER)). I find this a bit hard! Becaus not only do you have to know the gender of the word (which by the way is "das Geschlecht" in German. I always forget this word!) in the "Hauptsatz, that the "Nebensatz" shows back to (phu..!), you also need to know what case (Kasus) that will inflect the "der, die, das" german "som" word... But not always, because sometimes you use "dass" and then you don´t use Kasus. Ah.. Here is what the "som" and "at" (NOR) words mean in German:

Nebenätze mit "som" and "at" auf Deutsch: 
  •   dass = at, siden (bet: fordi), slik at (at-setninger NOR)/ ENG: that, which
  •   der, die, das = som (relativsetninger NOR)/ ENG: who, which
  •   wie = som (relativsetninger NOR)/ ENG: who, as 
"Here I will shortly include an example in German, if I can get the sentence right.... "

In nowegian is this not so complicated, it is only either "at"-sentences or "som"-sentences, with only on word introducing them. In german is it even also so, that sometimes they dont even write the "som"! Confusing! ...

And then you have the "og" (und), "men" (aber), "eller" (oder), "for" (denn) Konjunktionen, but that is something else, and has to do with full information blocks (Helsetninger NOR) (Hauptsätze GER), and is therefor not so hard.

Vel vel, I think that was al for the language improving today! Its good to be back :)

Sunday, 28 November 2010


ASF has won a prize for their project „Stadtteilmütter auf den Spuren der Geschichte“. 

Friday it was an award-ceremony at the Willy-Brandt House in Berlin, the house of the German Social-Democratic party SPD. The prize is also a prize belonging to this political party, and they have handed it out every year since 2002. 

 FOTO: Linn Husby

WHO WAS REGINE HILDEBRANDT? The prize´s name honors Regine Hildebrandt who was known as a German politician with the nick-names "Voice of the East" and "Mother Courage" by her many admirers because of her battles on behalf of the citizens of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). She was the most popular Social Democratic (SPD) woman politician, and the prize was founded and named after her after she lost the three-year battle against breast cancer in 2001. In 1991 she was voted Germany's "Woman of the Year", and Chancellor Gerhard Schröder called her "the political interpreter of the East". She also charmed her audiences, especially in Berlin, by working Berlin dialect into her speeches.

This is a project that I am working with in my volunteer-service at the organization. I am assisting in a film project that ASF are making about this. The project and the film is called "Stadtteilmütter, auf den Spuren der Geschichte" (english: "The mothers of the quarter, in search for the trace of the history").

ASF´s winning project is a very interesting project
 with foreign immigrants, that do integrations-work. Here other immigrants, with less knowledge, geth help to better integrate in Germany from people that themself are not etnical germans. That project, the "Stadtteilmütter-project", in itself has noting to do with ASF, but now they have a project going on that means that these "integrating-mothers" learn more about the history from the World War 2, and especially what happend to the Jews. Today, they live in Germany, and off course, that makes them having to deal with this history almost every day. Here they cooperate with ASF, and this project is what ASF wan a prize fore Friday.

One of the interesting part of this is the fact that many of these women has a muslimic background, and therefore it has not always been the easiest step for them to conciliate themself with people with jewish background, considering that many of them these days sympatice with the palestinan people, and not with the israelis (where most jews today live). But as one of them said in an interview; "it is possible to part the politics of Israel with its people and its religion". Many have also explained that they feel social similarities with what Jews during 1933 and 1945 had to deal with in Germany. Not to the same extent, but with racisim and humiliation. This unites and creates a understandig, and not the upposit. What a great foundation for peace between an urging conflict! 

The interesting about this is also the film (where I assist) about these "mothers". The plot in the film is that they are led around in the city of Berlin, where they see historical important streets and monuments important to the history of the persecution of the Jews together with an Holocaust survivor. But they also see this with their own perspective, and their background with conflicts and war. This all mixed together makes this film, and the project as a whole, very interssting. I hope the film will include english subtitles. I have already asked if this is possible, but havent got an answer yet. The norwegian ASF office has also request about this, but of course this would also be handy so that other non germans also can watch this film. I am very happy that I can be able to assist on this while I´m here!

ASF and the "Stadtteilmütter-project" won the prize together with an other project that supports elderly people. Both of the winning projects wan because they fit this years prize-motto the best: "A life without social humiliation is the basic right of all"("Ein Alltag ohne soziale Demütigung ist das Grundrecht aller")  

More information about the project with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (ASF) in german at their web page here

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Ok so I have told you WHO I WORK FOR earlier, but I havent really said that much about WHAT I do. So here I give you an example.

I am uploading event-notifications ("Termine" in german) at ASF´s german (and main) web page here:

I have witten al of these, exept the last two ones. Today I have to upload some more, there are things goin on in Dezember for instance.

But I also assist on an ASF Filmproject and have done som lay-out and design work for the organization lately, look at my previous post: @ WORK: GRAPHIC DESIGN
and blog-post: "Filmproduksjon"

Friday we are filming when ASF recieve a price for their project: "Stadtteilmütter-auf spuren der Geschichte"
Looking foreward to it!


Tittel på VG (sammenfattet): Studenter, ikke jobb for mye!
The tittle in english: "Students: Don´t work to much!" (Regarding ridiculous norwegian politics)

Refererer til denne artikkelen på som jeg leste i dag:

Monday, 22 November 2010


Today is the day "Hug a norwegian day!"  At least Facebook says that... :) See here:

I have no idea how long this has been going on, (cause I have never heard of it before) if it is on November 22 th. every year, or if there also exists days for other nations.  I wasn´t able to find any other facts about the day in Wikipedia... but I did find something else there! About the Free Hugs Campain that was famous in 2006 after an australian man started giving out hugs to random people as an act of love.

SO, show the act of love for the norwegians today, and spare a hug for me!  :)

(and tomorro, and the day after that, and the next day after that, and through the week and finaly; through the whole year!)

This is me and my best friend Lis at the norwegian National day, the 17. of May, earlier this year
Little beats getting a hug (like this) from her! 

Sunday, 21 November 2010


Jeg synes det kan være lurt om andre norske som også kanskje har lyst til å jobbe i utlandet (frivillig eller ikke) finner bloggen min.
Derfor har jeg nå registrert bloggen på Bloggurat:

og på

samt på:


The german X-mas markets are here!

And it was a lot of fun to drink glow wine (but it doesn´t tast as good as the nowegian "gløgg") and to walk around an see the nice bazaars AND: to slide in the snow-slide in the fair yesterday!! At Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, the german X-mas market was yesterday discovered with some of my new volunteer-friends. Now I have a really nice cup that says "Winterwelt am Potsdamer Platz" as a memory.

Yeah, its Christmas soon! I want the snow to be here so I can drink hot chocco and wear wool socks and walk (read: run!) in the snow with winter-boots. And: have an exuse to buy a new nice and warm sweather... or maybe that lovely x-mas party dress! Mm!

I´ve heard that X-mas markets are very typical for Germany. Iselin, a friend of mine (that also is a norwegian but that has been living in Germany before me, she now lives in Brussels) told me that they have special german x-mas markets in Hyde Park in London (she has also been living there), where everything on the menu are written in german and its almost only german people that go and work there. Wow! Why don´t we have this in Norway? Answer: Wel, its not that much fun without the glow wine... (an in Norway you cant drink in the street.)

Here are some more pics from yesterdays X-mas fair:

Snow-slide! (at Potsdamer Platz):

German "Brezeln":

It was a lot of fun! What do you like about X-mas (in Germany)?

Friday, 19 November 2010


At my work lately, I have been occupying myself with a little bit of design and graphics. Recently I have learned how to use Photoshop more extendet (yes, it can do more than editing the colours of a picture! :D), and so this week I have made an X-mas card from us volunteers that wil be sent out to all the members of the organization, and designed the invitation for the organizations X-mas Party.

I find the job really inspiring, and I want to learn more!

This is the result:

Saturday, 13 November 2010

"Boulevard der Stars" in Berlin

Opening 10. Sept 2010, this year! At: Potsdamer Platz

FOTO: Linn Husby

Whats Bambi? Stickword: Das deutsche "Oscar"

Me  with the Bambi-statue, in som clotes store. 

Auch bald daheim in Norwegen: OSLO FILM FESTIVAL 18. - 28. Nov 2010!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


....and other blogs/pages ...und andere Blogs/Seiten:   

PIECES OF BERLIN Liebe, liebe, liebe!
FACE FORWARD Inspiration!
DER BERLIN BLOG Ein Blog für Berliner und Brandenburger

BERLINER.DE Simply; whats on?
BERLIN.DE Offizielles Stadtportal der Hauptstad Deutschlands
ZITTY.DE Stadtmagazin Berlin
BVG.DE Getting around

B.Z. BERLIN Aktuelle News und Nachrichten  

ABC World News, Peter Jennings reports live from Berlin:

9. NOVEMBER ein sehr wichtiges Datum in Deutschland:

Der 9. Nov. 1918: Deutschland wird Republik. Markiert den Beginn der Demokratisierung Deutschlands.
Der 9. Nov. 1923: Aufbäumen gegen die Weimarer Republik. Kampfbund.
Der 9. Nov. 1938:
Die Kristallnacht. Gilt als Beginn des unaufhaltsamen Unheils, dass die Deutschen den Juden und wenig später vielen anderen Völkern angetan haben: Die Zeit der Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland beginnt.
Der 9. Nov. 1989: Mauerfall. Einigt in einer friedlichen Revolution das geteilte deutsche Volk: „Wir sind ein Volk!“ war der Ruf, der den Fall der Mauer zwischen beiden deutschen Staaten zur Folge hatte. a very important date in Germany:

9. Nov. 1918 : Germany becomes a Republic
9. Nov. 19
: The Weimar Republic - rebellion.

9. Nov. 1938 : "The crystal night". Considered as the beginning of the inevitable disaster that the Germans did to the Jews and other ethnic groups. 
9. Nov. 1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall. A symbol of the unification of Germany as one state.

Apparently there should be lots of things going on today! ASF is haveing a stand today at the Französische Dom, and I am attending.

....and soon the Berliner Festspiele auch beginnt! From 11. - 14. Nov. Don´t really know al what it include, but would love to check it out!  

Friday, 5 November 2010


Film premiere with ASF-stand in Berlin, Zeughaus Kino
Film: "Fritz Bauer, Tod auf Raten"

Me, Felix and Anne (from Germany), al volunteers in ASF

Fritz Bauer?
Whether he took his own life or if he was murdered is the topic of this film. 1. of  July, 1968 he was found dead in his own appartment. His dead came sudden, and because no autopsy was made, it has later been specualted in if he was actually murdered. But if so, by whom? Fritz Bauer was Jewis, and during the war had to emigrate to Denmark and Sweden, where he did war-resistance work. After he returned to Germany, one of the most significant things that he is known for is initiating the second Auschwitz trial, the proceedings of which opened in 1963. He was also instrumental in the intelligence that he relayed to the Mossad in 1957 that allowed Adolf Eichmann to be captured.

Wer war Fritz Bauer:
ASF aktuelles Nachrichten
Fritz Bauer


Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Edited by: Linn Husby

Foto: Natalia Martínez Mojer & Linn Husby
Edited by: Linn Husby

Sunday, 31 October 2010


Gedanken nicht nur für Arbeitsleben, sondern auch für den Umgang mit der Geschichte.

"The worst thing is, that things are never fully enclosed, its never a moment where you can say: I have done a good job and tomorro is sunday. You can leave your picture, screw it all and never touch it again. But you can never sign underneath it: The End."

Thoughts not only for working life, but also for the dealing with the history itself.

Answer: Thats why we carry on doing this, because this wil never completely end.

(Me and some others visited the Picasso Museum in Münster during our free time there. Paintings of his work are in other museums in Germany as wel, but this is the only museum only dedicated to him and his work in the entire Germany. Other than that, he never went to Germany and had nothing to to with the country nor the history what so ever. But still I was fascinated about this quote and I find it really relevant for many things in life.)

Saturday, 30 October 2010


Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (ASF) is an organisation that was founded in 1958, as a result of the sufferings from the Second World War. Today the organisation work togehter with individuals and organisations from other countries that particulary suffered under the terror of National Socialism.

There are currently twenty international volunteers in Germany every year. Additionally, altogether 150 volunteers (manly from Germany) are working in Belarus, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, the Ukraine and the United States.

The founder of the organisation, Lothar Kreyssig, wanted to build up a powerful resistance against the bitterness and hatred within post World War II Germany. He believed that peace has its roots in reconciliation and atonement, and based on the conviction that the first step must come from the side of the perpetrators and their decedents, Kreyssig and his co-founders asked the people, who had suffered violence "because of us" for premission to go to their countries and do something good. The hope was that these actions would be characterized by forgiveness and peace. "We the German people began the Second World War, and we, more than any other people, are guilty of haveing caused the immeasurable sufferings of mankind. Gemans have, in wicked revolt against God, killed millions of Jews. Those of us who had lived through this and had not wanted it to happen, did not do enough to prevent it." This states the first declaration of the organisation from 1958.

The work of ASF was originally intended for Germany as a whole, but soon thereafter the division, it prevented Germany on both sides from working together. Two different versions of the organisation developed in the two German states. While in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) reconciliatory work began in 1962, mainly with summer work camps for people from different countries, the work of ASF in West Germany began in 1959, with service in Western- and Northern Europe. Now, these two facilities are combined in one organisation.

The volunteer work is the biggest part of the organisation also today. ASF believes that by letting young people participating in peace-oriented activities, it wil stimulate to more peace-oriented and tolerant behaviour from these same people in the future. Therefor ASF is involved in projects which work against discrimination of persons because of their religious, political, national or social origins, birth, disadvantages and handicaps, age, gender or sexual identity, skin color or language. The projects for the volunteers vary from caring for survivors of the Holocaust, to living and working together with disadvantaged children and adolescents, the disabled, ethnic minorities, and refugees - from community work in poor neighbourhoods to other types of memorial site work and administration service.

My service in the organisation is to work in the ASF information office in Berlin, with PR-related work. Mostly that means that I update their webpage with event-notifications. I have also been working with their membership magazine - shortening and editing intentional printed text. In adition, my work also include preparing and hosting public events and preparations for summer work camps. Recently I have also been assisting in on a filmproject here.

My project in the ASF office is also combined with a social project visiting elderly people (once a week).

I am a norwegian, and here is the norwegian ASF webpage:

I started my volunteer service in Berlin, Germany 1. September 2010
For this job, I get 310 EURO per month, a rom in an appartemen free of charge and free public transportation.

Friday, 29 October 2010


The "Youth in Action" programme through the European Commission for Youths first introduced me to the volunteer service in EU; the European Voluntary Service.

I was one of the many young europeans participating in the European Youth Week 2008. Then I was representing Norway as a young journalist, and here you can read more about this in one of the articles that I wrote for then:

Little did I know that this was going to lead to Germany, and Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste two years later! Because now I am here, doing my volunteer-service in one of the first peace- and help organisations that was founded in Germany after the World War II.

Letter of recommendation from the European Commission:
Here you can read more detailed information about my work with the European Youth Week in 2008